Continuing with the two of the most intangible yet powerful advantages of consulting and how it will revolutionise your business.

In addition to solutions, performance and the many other benefits of consulting to leaders and sales teams, below are two vital business edges you will gain when you begin to use this knowledge.

Extra Time to Re-Focus and Plan

When you first started your business, it’s likely that as an ambitious individual, you were extremely optimistic about achieving your goals, and it’s essential that to grow the business, this mindset must be sustained if you are to persist through the inevitable hardships that will arise.

Unfortunately, for a lot of businesses who stay internal and never get help, the progress they make stalls when these challenges show up, and their focus shifts from thriving to surviving, and optimistic to pessimistic.

The core reason for this is simply that they are overwhelmed by all the maintenance activities and problem-solving that needs to be done, and naturally the dreams they had originally seem to dissipate as they are consumed in rigorous work to barely stay alive.

This is where a consultant comes in and can literally shift the whole business to a whole new level of success, one where your team feels alive about going to work and progressing to the next objective, rather than staying in a scarcity mindset.

This is achieved by not only the consultant’s expertise in these fields but the minimisation of the time spent on the essential tasks, making them completed 10 times faster than what can be done by your own employees. As a leader, the time that is freed from this is so essential to your business’s success and your own mental well-being that you will marvel at the new ideas that have space to sprout and become a reality.

Major Competitive Advantage

Imagine looking through a small lens focused on a tiny detail of a big picture, then taking the lens away and seeing the whole frame and how it all connects, this metaphor illustrates the profound effect that a consultant can have on a business’s awareness of what’s going on in both its leadership and sales staff.

By attaining this awareness, the competitive advantage you will gain over your competition cannot be overstated enough, instead of guessing the road ahead and going with what feels right, you will have someone who has already traveled the road ahead and can guide you along the way. This will not only create immense confidence in your leadership and sales team but will make you seemingly untouchable to anyone watching from the outside.

Unfortunately in today’s business world, not getting a consultant won’t only take your competitive advantage away, but put you below the fold for what is expected for businesses. Statistics show that in 2016 the consulting industry reached 132.6 billion dollars, and continues to grow, meaning many of your competitors will already be harnessing this. SME owners such as yourself are among some of the most driven and competitive people in the world, and as a competitor, you want every single upper-hand you can get.

If you’re a business owner reading this, don’t take this information lightly and disregard it. If you’re not harnessing this service and are in hardship or experiencing any problems within your sales team or leadership, there is a real possibility that you’re welcoming a future of pain and regret because you failed to jump on this opportunity.

Be intelligent and make the right decision, as that is what ultimately shapes your business’s future, and you will be glad you did. Call Tony Farugia of Headspace Behavioural Science on 0458 888 756 or email: to harness not only the above benefits but the countless others that arise from professional consulting.